Acapulco Shore follows the lives of a group of 20-year-olds spending their summer vacation in a mansion in Acapulco. Their stay will be filled with love stories, wild parties, drunken nights and heated arguments. With this group, fun is always guaranteed.
You already know Fernando, Jawy, Tadeo, Caballero, Karime, Manelik, Joyce and Talía. You know what they're capable of, but...will they be able to WORK? Not everything in life is a party, my friends...
The fun continues in AcaShore... and this time it's everyone against everyone! Plus: A lesson in manners with the "Niño de la Selva," "Cantobar" Night and fights at the club.
Would you dare get on a boat with the Acapulco Shore group? In this episode: party at sea!
Craziness continues at the house: surf, sex, stakes, knives and falls in the 5th episode of Acapulco Shore.
Sex, sweat, debauchery and karaoke in the 6th episode of AcaShore.
Rubén Bernar
Rodrigo Arnaz
Trevor Lafargue