Violette Beane

Violette Beane

Best-known for playing Jesse Chambers Wells in superhero spin-off "The Flash" (The CW, 2014-), Violett Beane also appeared in apocalyptic drama "The Leftovers" (HBO, 2014-) and partially-animated documentary "Tower" (2016). Born into a Quaker family in St. Petersburg, FL, Beane made her on-screen debut playing a young girl forced to protect her brother from an evil spirit in indie horror "Flay" (2015). Shortly after, she was cast as Taylor Truitt, one of three teens who go missing in the only town previously unaffected by the Sudden Departure in the acclaimed "The Leftovers" (HBO, 2014-), and then as Jesse Chambers Wells, the science prodigy daughter of Earth-2's Dr. Harrison who gets captured by and then escapes from Zoom in Season 2 of "The Flash" (The CW, 2014-). Beane returned to the film world with the supporting role of Lindsay in fan fiction coming-of-age drama "Slash" (2016) before portraying Claire Wilson, the wounded 18-year-old who lost both her boyfriend and baby in the 1966 shootings at the University of Texas, in Keith Maitland's innovative part-archive/part-animated documentary "Tower" (2016).


Guest Appearances