One by one, Kronos is putting the Four Horsemen back together.
Kronos was the leader of the Four Horsemen, raiders who murdered and pillaged in the Bronze Age. Now he has a new target - Methos.
A young man named Danny, who turns out to be Nurse Bolton's brother, helps PC Rowan go undercover as a DJ at the illegal radio station operating from a ship off the coast of Whitby.
A dying Wolfe is rescued by Myers. After a long search, Amanda finds Wolfe. Using Myers hi-tech equipment, Wolfe figures out Korda's plan: counterfeiting money. Amanda and Wolfe follow Korda in the catacombs of Paris and barely escape Korda. Korda's henchman kidnap Myers, who is rescued by Wolfe. Amanda fights Korda and beheads him. Amanda and Wolfe decide to settle in Paris.
Wolfe meets Joe Dawson and learns about the Watchers. Dawson tells Amanda that her former mentor Andre Korda (Valentine Pelka) is after her. Amanda meets Korda and refuses to join him. Korda goes to Paris and leaves Immortal Chrysta (Ellen Dubin) to fight Amanda. Amanda wins but she and Dawson make Wolfe believe she is dead. A vengeful Wolfe goes to Paris and finds Korda, who shoots him.