Tzahi Grad
Tzahi Grad was an actor who had a successful Hollywood career. Grad worked on a variety of projects during his early entertainment career, including "Foul Gesture" (2007), "Girafot" with Meital Dohan (2008) and "Hakol Methil Bayam" with Yuval Segal (2008). He also contributed to "Someone to Run With" (2006) starring Bar Belfer. His film career continued throughout the early 2000s and the 2010s in productions like the Sarah Adler foreign "Jellyfish" (2008), "The Loners" (2009) and the Omri Fuhrer drama "Ha'Meshotet" (2010). In his more recent career, he tackled roles in "Zion and His Brother" (2010), "Off White Lies" (2012) with Elya Inbar and "Big Bad Wolves" (2014). Most recently, Grad acted in "Harcheck mi headro" (2015).