Tracey Fairaway
Fairaway spent her childhood awaiting her moment in the spotlight. At first she thought it would come in front of the cameras as a fashion model, then realized she was more interested in performing than posing. After re-locating to Los Angeles, Fairaway landed her debut role on the teen gymnast series "Make It or Break It" as upbeat overachiever Heather, and portrayed the bubbly but bossy teen for several episodes. That same year she auditioned for and won the role of teen devil Mandy Hellman on the animated series "Neighbors From Hell," about a family of demons sent to Texas on a mission to destroy a giant drill that has the power to reach Hell. Paired with solid comic talents such as Will Sasso and Molly Shannon, Fairaway held her own as their materialistic, Valley Girl-accented daughter. Released from the show when it was canceled after just one season, Fairaway downsized with the "Groundhog Day"-esque web series "First Day," and portrayed the unlucky Emma in the straight-to-DVD "Hellraiser: Revelations." Fairaway took her career to the next level in 2013 with her thoughtful portrayal of Julia Louis-Dreyfus' daughter in the critically-acclaimed "Enough Said," starring Louis-Dreyfus and the late James Gandolfini as two divorcees navigating a new relationship.