Tina Desai
English speaking audiences first became familiar with Tena Desae when she appeared in the sleeper hit "The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel" (2011). Born in Bengaluru, India, Desae earned her degree from the National Institute of Management in Mumbai before she was inspired to appear on the competitive reality series "Get Gorgeous" (Channel V India, 2004-08) in 2007. Though he didn't win the competition, Desai was still offered a contract by Elite Model India Management, which led to her appearing in over 100 commercials. Having long since become a familiar face, it was only natural for Desae to make the transition into acting, appearing in her first film, "Yeh Faasley" (2011). Later that same year, Desae's skills as a multi-linguist (she speaks a total of five languages fluently, including Gujarati, Telugu, Kannada, English, and Hindi) came in handy when she was cast as Sunaina in the British hit "The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel" (2011). The film opened Desae up to an even larger fan base, and she reprised her role for the sequel, "The Second Best Exotic Marigold Hotel" (2015). That same year, Desae took on the role of Kala Dandekar on the Wachowskis' sci-fi series "Sense8" (Netflix, 2015-17).