Suzanne Bertish
Suzanne Bertish was an actress who was no stranger to being featured in numerous film roles throughout her Hollywood career. Bertish's acting career began mostly with her roles in various films, such as the action film "Hanover Street" (1979) with Harrison Ford, the horror flick "The Hunger" (1983) with Catherine Deneuve and the Bob Dylan drama "Hearts of Fire" (1990). She appeared in a number of television specials, including "The Limbo Connection" (1982-83), "To the Lighthouse" (PBS, 1984-85) and "The Life and Adventures of Nicholas Nickleby" (Disney, 1990-91). She continued to act in productions like the drama "The Monk" (1992) with Paul McGann, the comedy "Thin Ice" (1995) with Charlotte Avery and "Bent" (1997). Film continued to be her passion as she played roles in "Pope Joan" (2008) with Johanna Wokalek and the Abbie Cornish dramatic biopic "W.E." (2011). She also was featured in the TV movie "Judas" (ABC, 2003-04). Most recently, Bertish acted on "Mercy Street" (PBS, 2015-17).