Stan Shaw
Handsome, athletic African-American character lead in films since the mid-1970s who is equally convincing playing jocks, soldiers, security staff, and simpletons. Shaw karate chopped his way into features playing a "Blaxploitation" villain in "TNT Jackson" (completed 1974; released 1975). He fared better in "The Bingo Long Traveling All-Stars and Motor Kings" (1976) as an ace baseball player in the Negro Leagues. Shaw proved outstanding in his first starring role in the Vietnam action film "The Boys of Company C" (1978). He played a former drug pusher who initially views 'Nam as a business opportunity but gradually matures into an effective leader. Shaw also proved memorable in character roles playing mentally challenged characters in "The Great Santini" (1979) and "Fried Green Tomatoes" (1991), and a nervous security chief in "Rising Son" (1993).