Detective Alberg examines the mysterious deaths of two women, each found in the forest with their bodies arranged in eerily similar poses.
The ODNI is asked to facilitate the defection of a Russian FSB agent, but the agent's pregnant girlfriend throws a curve in the team's plans. Meanwhile, Christina (Jennifer Beals) goes off the books to reveal a mole in the CIA, and John's (Gaius Charles) attempt to resolve his brother's problem with a local gang results in a spiritual crisis.
When the body of an Irishman is discovered lynched, racial tension in Five Points builds. As the public cries for a hanging, Corcoran begins to question every piece of evidence that comes his way.
Corcoran and O'Brien are assigned to solving a peculiar double murder. As they weigh the evidence, it becomes apparent that the facts come together in a surprising case of revenge gone wrong.
When a gang scheme to rob the wealthy is uncovered, Corcoran must ensure security at an upscale fundraiser. As the police must prepare for the gala, tensions mount between the detectives and their superiors.