Rossi Morreale
Rossi Morreale worked on a variety of projects during his entertainment career. Morreale worked on a variety of projects during his early entertainment career, including "Bring It On Again" (2004), "Instant Beauty Pageant" (Esquire Network, 2006-09) and "Next Action Star" (NBC, 2003-04). In the early 2000s and the 2010s, Morreale devoted his time to various credits, such as "Can You Duet?" (CMT, 2007-09), "Temptation" and "Belly of the Beast" (Discovery Channel, 2008-09). He also worked on "Dating in the Dark" (ABC, 2008-2010), "Escape Routes" (NBC, 2011-12) and "Halloween Wars" (Food Network, 2011-). Most recently, Morreale worked on "Tunnel of Fire" (CMT, 2012-13). Morreale was married to Kacey Coppola.