Ronald Long

Ronald Long was an actor who made a successful career for himself in film. Long marked his early career with roles in "Love of Life" (1951-1980), "Alice in Wonderland" (NBC, 1955-56) and the Shirley MacLaine dramatic adaptation "Two Loves" (1961). Later, Long acted in "The Notorious Landlady" (1962) with Kim Novak, the comedy "The Man From the Diner's Club" (1963) with Danny Kaye and "Lost in Space" (CBS, 1965-68). He also appeared in the Frank Sinatra action flick "Assault on a Queen" (1966), "Mannix" (CBS, 1967-1975) and "Wonder Woman" (ABC, 1973-74). Later in his career, Long worked on the Bloodstone comedy "Train Ride to Hollywood" (1975). Long passed away in October 1986 at the age of 75.


Guest Appearances