Imprisoned and telepathically joined by an alien race, Picard and Beverly are forced to face the deep feelings they have always had for each other.
An unhappy wife, a government official, a lovesick assistant and a self-centered astronomer (Dean Jones) are suspects in the murder of a young executive (Steven Ford). With Angela Lansbury.
While attempting to take on a huge case with Jordan, Eli visions lead him to a smaller case involving an immigrant farm couple suing the company they work for.
Jessica (Angela Lansbury) is threatened with lawsuits after she is depicted in a newspaper comic strip accusing some of Manhattan's leading citizens of crimes. Guest stars: Patrick Macnee, Harvey Fierstein, Jon Polito.
Christian has doubts about the latest Carver victim's story. The wife of an Alzheimer's patient requests extensive cosmetic surgery in order to find a way back into her husband's memories. Sean finds himself under investigation by Child Protective Services after Matt files a restraining order against him.