Raychel Diane Weiner

Raychel Diane Weiner

Raychel Diane Weiner's initial creative outlet was dance, which she pursued professionally through companies including St. Louis Ballet, Oregon Ballet Theater, Ballet Arizona, and Post:Ballet. Weiner found great satisfaction and success through her dancing career, but eventually began to pursue other interests, including fashion, makeup design, and acting. Despite this broadening of her repertoire, Weiner would not cut ties with her first love, dance, altogether; in 2014, she and fellow members of Post:Ballet were nominated for the prestigious Isadora Duncan Award for Outstanding Performance - Ensemble for a number titled "field the present shifts." Weiner finally made the move to the screen with the dance-themed television series "Flesh and Bone" (Starz 2015), on which she played upper class New Yorker, and "punk" of the central dance troupe, Daphne Kensington.