Pinetop Perkins

Joe "Pinetop" Perkins worked on a variety of projects during his entertainment career. "Pinetop" Perkins worked on a variety of projects during his early entertainment career, including "Angel Heart" (1987) starring Mickey Rourke and "The Blues Brothers" with John Belushi (1980). His passion for acting continued to his roles in projects like the Richard Anconina romance "Miss Missouri" (1990). He also appeared in the TV special "A Tribute to Muddy Waters, King of the Blues" (PBS, 1998). "Pinetop" Perkins also created music for "Benny & Joon" (1993) with Johnny Depp. "Pinetop" Perkins last acted in "The Perfect Age of Rock 'n' Roll" (2011). "Pinetop" Perkins passed away in March 2011 at the age of 98.
