Peter Sullivan
Peter Sullivan was an actor who had a successful Hollywood career. Sullivan's early roles were in action films like "The Jackal" (1997). He also appeared in the TV movie "Conspiracy" (HBO, 2000-01). He worked in series television while getting his start in acting, including a part on "Wire in the Blood" (BBC, undefined). In the early 2000s, Sullivan devoted his time to various credits, such as "Jericho" (CBS, 2006-08), "Smith" and "The Eavesdropper" (2006). He also worked on "Rocket Science" with Reece Thompson (2007). More recently, he tackled roles on "Critical" (2014-15), "The Crimson Field" (PBS, 2015) and "Indian Summers" (PBS, 2015-16). Sullivan most recently acted in the crime picture "The Limehouse Golem" (2017) with Bill Nighy.