A sculptor's wife is accused of murdering her husband's beautiful model.
Morticia decides to keep the children home from school after she sees the fairy tales they have to read. When the truant officer comes to investigate he finds Morticia tending her garden of hemlock and poison ivy and Gomez blowing up bridges on his model train set.
When Herman arrives home, he makes a happy announcement that he has been offered a promotion at work. However, if he accepts the new job it will necessitate moving to another city. Although most of the family hates the thought of giving up their comfortable home, they agree that Herman should accept the job.
Bill thinks he will have a relaxing day, but the children come in to ask for his help. Jody wants help with a friend, Buffy needs to go to a Brownie meeting, and Cissy wants him to talk to the hospital staff about her being a candy striper.
At the Bauman's wedding in Connecticut, a snowstorm traps Ann, Don, and their friends at the hotel, but only two rooms are available, and Ann has no intention of sharing a bed with Donald.