Nathan Norton
Guest Appearances
SIX FEET UNDER · S5, E4Time Flies
Brenda is disturbed by Nate's reaction to her latest news; Ruth shares her feelings about George with her knitting circle; David and Keith 'propose' to Mary and meet Roger's equally unconventional family; Rico is shocked at how Vanessa and the boys are doing; frustrated, George shares a beer and a song with Billy; and Nate comes home to an unpleasant surprise.
SIX FEET UNDER · S5, E7The Silence
David and Keith struggle to create parent-child boundaries; When Brenda and Nate get some ambiguous news, it confirms their views on life and death; Ruth fills her schedule with activities, but has trouble unwinding; Claire meets an interesting guy at work, and makes an effort to fit in; Margaret lets a cat out of the bag; and George drops a bomb on Ruth.
JUST SHOOT ME · S6, E9Christmas? Christmas!
After finding that actor Ray Liotta loves Christmas as much as she does, Maya discovers the dark side to his holiday obsession.
WITHOUT A TRACE · S3, E3Light Years
While searching for missing 37-year-old X-ray technician Teddy Cota (David Eigenberg), the team discovers that Teddy long believed that when he was a child, he was abducted by aliens. The missing man's pregnant ex-girlfriend explains that she ended her relationship with him after he confessed that he feared the extraterrestrials would return for him and their baby. After a friend at Teddy's alien abductees support group claims that he and Teddy had recently been trailed by two menacing "men in black," it seems the team's only normal lead is from a neighbor who saw Teddy let an agitated man into his apartment the night he disappeared. Meanwhile, Jack handles the awkwardness of displacing Vivian as the team's leader, and his lawyer, Ed Felder (recurring guest star Timothy Busfield), tells him that his estranged wife is planning to use his affair with Samantha to prove he's an unfit parent in their custody battle.
TOUCHED BY AN ANGEL · S9, E9Remembering Me
Tess's condition worsens as she struggles with Alzheimer's disease. Meanwhile, the other angels try to help a man adopt his foster son, but the adoption is contested by a woman who claims she is the boy's estranged mother.