Morgan Conway
Morgan Conway was an actor who had a successful Hollywood career. Conway's early acting career consisted of roles in various films, such as "Happy Landing" (1934), "Illegal Traffic" (1938) and "Nurse From Brooklyn" (1938). He also appeared in the drama "Sinners in Paradise" (1938) with Madge Evans, "Blackwell's Island" (1939) and "Charlie Chan in Reno" (1939). His passion for acting continued to his roles in projects like "Secret Service of the Air" (1939), "Television Spy" (1939) and "Brother Orchid" (1940) with Edward G Robinson. He also appeared in "The Saint Takes Over" (1940) with George Sanders, the comedy "Three Cheers For the Irish" (1940) with Thomas Mitchell and the William Gargan adventure "A Desperate Chance For Ellery Queen" (1942). Film continued to be his passion as he played roles in "Bells of Capistrano" (1942), "Sing Your Worries Away" (1942) and the adventure "Jack London" (1943) with Michael O'Shea. He also appeared in "Tornado" (1943), "Dick Tracy" (1945) and the western "Badman's Territory" (1946) with Randolph Scott. Conway last acted in "Dick Tracy Vs. Cueball" (1946). Conway passed away in November 1981 at the age of 78.