Thought is a tool of creation that alters our reality. Writer, historian, and scholar of the occult, Mitch Horowitz discusses the history of occult (hidden) knowledge.
Magic is possible every day. Simply put out into the world what you would like to return. Mitch Horowitz discusses the magical principle of reciprocity, which means that what you choose will return to you.
Join Regina Meredith and Mitch Horowitz in this new episode of Open Minds. Explore the history of new thought and spirituality with the realization of the secret destiny of America.
Join Regina Meredith and Mitch Horowitz in this new episode of Open Minds. Explore the occult foundations of American history with the influence of Helena Blavatsky.
Join George Noory and Mitch Horowitz in this episode of Beyond Belief: Occult America. Modern politics might be influenced by a little more than we see in the mainstream media.