A failed alibi has coastal consequences; the Greenes' dog is denied a last meal; Larry confronts a buffet-line transgressor.
Gabrielle causes a prison riot while visiting Carlos, Lynette learns that Parker has an imaginary friend, and Susan helps Mike search for Zach.
Eric and Vince are determined to get 'Medellin' off the ground, but the rights to the script stand in their way. Feeling tense the day of the 'Five Towns' premiere, Drama seeks relief at a massage parlor, but can't avoid 'Daily Variety.' Turtle meets a girl in the auto-body shop who shares his love of limited-edition sneakers, but her overbearing father hampers his game.
A Pensacola man with unique features achieves accidental overnight fame after his image appears on a controversial police program.
Sectionals is finally here for the Glee Club, but when Quinn’s secret unravels, the club may not be able to recover in time to compete. Meanwhile, Sue’s scheming hits an all-time high, and with Emma and Ken’s marriage looming, Will makes a decision that could change his life forever.