Michael Carmine
Michael Carmine was a big screen film actor known for powerful performances. Carmine began his career with roles in "But It's Not My Fault!" (1982-83), the action picture "Invasion U.S.A." (1985) with Chuck Norris and "Band of the Hand" (1986). Carmine also appeared in "Batteries Not Included" (1987) starring Hume Cronyn, "Leviathan" (1989) starring Peter Weller and "Longtime Companion" (1990) starring Patrick Cassidy. He also worked on "Black and White" (1992), "Jones Beach: An American Riviera" (PBS, 1998-99) and "Counterstrike" (TBS, 2002). Carmine was most recently credited in the thrilling adaptation "Jumper" (2008) with Hayden Christensen. Carmine passed away in October 1989 at the age of 30.