Michael Aronov
Nearly unrecognizable in his portrayals, Michael Aronov has made a name for himself by pushing the boundaries on stage and screen. Residing in New York, the actor continues to balance his way through theatre and film. He recently completed work as one of the leads opposite Tom Hardy and James Gandolfini in the upcoming Dennis Lehane film, The Drop(2014). On television, the actor has a recurring role in the acclaimed series The Americans (2013), giving a heartbreaking performance as a physicist and potential spy. His work as avenging father and Italian royalty, Count Vincent of Naples, will also be seen in this season's newly anticipated show Reign (2013). Previous television work had Aronov taking on the gritty undercover world in the Bronx as Danny Raden - a series lead opposite Larenz Tate in BET's Gun Hill (2011). Michael then went on to parallel Jim Caviezel's character in Person of Interest (2011), donning the role of another undercover cop searching for symmetry between family and the streets. And in 2010 his intense performance as concealed war criminal Armand Marku pitted Aronov head-to-head with Kyra Sedgwick in a gripping season finale of The Closer (2005).