Michael Aldridge
Most famous for his performances on American television in British productions throughout the 80s. On TV, Aldrich played Sir Abraham Haphazard in an adaptation of Anthony Trollope's "The Barchester Chronicles" (1984) and a drunken journalist in "Charlie" (1987), He also starred as the genteel Caldicott, who gets ensnared in a mystery, in the six-part series "Charters and Caldicott" (1986), based on the characters made famous by British comedians Basil Radford and Naunton Wayne. Previous to his arrival in the eyes of PBS watchers, Aldridge had a number of bit parts in films ranging from Orson Welles' superb Shakespearean epic, "Chimes at Midnight" (1966) to turns as fusty, professorial types in "Turtle Diary" (1985) and "Shanghai Surprise" (1986).