Meg Wyllie

Diehard fans of the first "Star Trek" television series may remember actress Meg Wyllie for her role in the original 1966 pilot, called "The Cage." Wyllie appeared as the Keeper in "The Cage," which wouldn't air in its full form until 1986, nearly two decades after the show had been cancelled. In the late 1950s she appeared in guest spots on the TV Westerns "Have Gun--Will Travel" and "Zane Grey Theater" and even had a small role as a nun on a 1960 episode of "Twilight Zone." Although she continued to act steadily on television throughout the 1970s and 1980s, Wyllie was cast mostly in smaller forgettable roles, usually as an elderly woman. In 1987, however, she landed a guest spot on the sitcom "The Golden Girls." As the elderly Candy, Meg Wyllie played the first of five "irregular" characters, which kept her appearing on the show at various stages throughout its seven-season run. Wyllie's last recurring role came in 1994, when she played Aunt Lolly Stemple on the sitcom "Mad About You."