Maury Dexter
Maury Dexter worked on a variety of projects during his entertainment career. Dexter directed a variety of independent films in his early directing career, including such titles as "The Purple Hills" (1961) with Gene Nelson, the Willard Parker crime picture "Air Patrol" (1962) and the sci-fi feature "The Day Mars Invaded Earth" (1963) with Kent Taylor. He also appeared in the action flick "Surf Party" (1964) with Bobby Vinton. He continued to work in film in the sixties and the seventies, directing motion pictures like "Wild on the Beach" (1965) with Frankie Randall and "Maryjane" (1968) with Fabian. Dexter also directed for the television show "Little House on the Prairie" (NBC, 1974-1983). Dexter continued to exercise his talent in the eighties, taking on a mix of projects like "Father Murphy" (NBC, 1981-83), "Little House: A New Beginning" (NBC, 1982-83) and "Little House: The Last Farewell" (NBC, 1983-84). His credits also expanded to "Where Pigeons Go to Die" (NBC, 1989-1990). Dexter more recently worked on "Us" (CBS, 1991-92).