When top scientists at an aeronautics research lab die under mysterious circumstances, the agents suspect a mentally-challenged janitor may somehow be the culprit.
While exploring the city the Atlantis team discovers a stasis chamber holding a woman who appears to be over 10 000 years old. Excited at the possibility that she is one of the Ancients the alien race that built Atlantis the team decides to bring her out of stasis despite the risk to her health. Everyone is shocked when once re-animated the elderly woman identifies herself as none other than Dr. Weir (Torri Higginson).
Clark is in his barn one moment... and the next finds himself in a psychiatric hospital where he discovers he's been suffering from delusions that he came from another planet and has super-powers.
Mulder fights to prove that a discovery frozen in the mountains of Canada is irrefutable evidence of alien life, but his quest for the truth leads to only more lies…and an unthinkable conclusion.
Dylan (Kevin Sorbo) attempts to save a group of captured High Guard ships.