Martin Speer
Guest Appearances
THE SIX MILLION DOLLAR MAN · S3, E11The Peeping Blonde
After a news reporter captures film footage of Steve using his bionic powers, her boss plans to kidnap Steve and send him to a foreign power. Farrah Fawcett guest stars.
When Steve fills in for a pilot school commander at Edwards Air Force Base, he investigates a suspicious aircraft crash and takes to the air to learn who is behind a plot to destroy a young pilot-in-training who is also a prince. Erik Estrada guest stars.
THE PARTRIDGE FAMILY · S2, E2In 25 Words or Less
Reuben comes up with the idea for a contest - the Booper Beat Magazine Contest - in which the winner would spend a week with the Partridge Family. Keith is hoping the winner would be young and beautiful. Reuben comes up with Gloria Neugast, the winner of the contest...a 60-year-old Jewish mother. In no time at all, Mrs. Neugahst is cleaning the house, mowing the lawn, helping the kids with their homework and teaching Laurie how to knit. She even talks Keith into taking her to Muldoon's Point where he takes his girlfriends - and his friends drive up and tease him mercilessly. When Mrs. Neugast brings home a nice single Jewish doctor for Shirley...the family decides to that they can't take any more of it. But they don't want to hurt her feelings. During a recording session, Mrs. Neugast interrupts each time the Partridges are about to begin. She tells Keith his hair is out of place...then stops the session again to tell Shirley the sheet music is blocking her face. They finally finish, but after 73 takes! On the day she is to leave, Mrs. Neugast feigns illness, and Shirley decides to let her stay a few more days. Reuben comes up with the perfect solution - he finds her a job with a child daycare center so that she can worry about many people. She is delighted and leaves immediately. A week later, a letter arrives from Mrs. Neugast...and the Partridge family realizes she is not out of their lives. She tells Tracy to stop biting her nails, Keith to dress nicely...and she tells Shirley she has arranged another date for her with the nice Jewish doctor.
THE PARTRIDGE FAMILY · S2, E6Whatever Happened to Moby Dick?
Danny comes up with an idea for crashing in on the ecology movement...the Partridges should get a whale to be their lead singer. He had just played Laurie's new record, "Song of the Humpback Whale." Laurie explains that whales are becoming extinct and she doesn't want to profit from their plight, but Danny doesn't understand. He puts an ad in the paper for a singing whale, and loads of people show up with their animals - a dancing bear, singing dog, chimp - but no whale. The Partridges go to Marineland and talk to Dr. Whelander, who agrees that they should make a record to allow people to become aware of the plight of the whales so that maybe they'll do something to stop them from being slaughtered. He said that any profits Marineland receives will go to the New York Zoological Society, where they are working to save whales. Shirley says that her family will devote her profits to the whale too. At the recording session, E.J. Flicker walks in and claims the whale belongs to him since he was the one who alerted Marineland four years ago to get the whale out of his inlet. He wants 50 percent. Shirley gets an idea - they will cut the record at Marineland and invite the press and Mr. Flicker. She sets everything up with Mr. Blanchard of ABC News, who shames Flicker in front of thousands of people into donating his 50 percent to the Zoological Society.
While attending a high-school reunion, Ralph discovers that the wife of a famous pro football player is held hostage to ensure her husband will throw the big game.