The Doctor returns to Gallifrey, only to discover that a deadly game banned and derelict for centuries, has been reactivated. Soon he finds his other selves have also been summoned to assist him in tracing the culprit and tracking down the mysterious secret of Rassilon...
The Master and the Doctor fight for control over Kamelion's mind while Turlough and Tegan make new allies in the castle in an attempt to avoid the iron maiden.
As the Doctor’s ethics are challenged and the two Brigadier's finally meet, Turlough plots with the Black Guardian to bring the Time Lord down once and for all.
At Brendon School, the Doctor enlists the help of the Brigadier. At Brendon School, Tegan enlists the help of the Brigadier. Same man, different time periods, however.
Mawdryn and his eternal mutants are awake and reveal the truth, they are exiles, they are in pain and need something only the Doctor can give them. His future lives.