Marian Nixon
Marian Nixon was an actress who had a successful Hollywood career. In her early acting career, Nixon appeared in such films as "Rosita" (1923), "The Last of the Duanes" (1924) and "Where Was I?" (1925). She also appeared in "Let 'Er Buck" (1925), "Durand of the Bad Lands" (1925) and "The Saddle Hawk" (1925) with Hoot Gibson. Her film career continued throughout the twenties in productions like "General Crack" (1929), "Say It With Songs" (1929) and "Geraldine" (1929). She also appeared in "The Show of Shows" (1929) featuring Frank Fay. Nearing the end of her career, she tackled roles in "Winner Take All" (1932), "The Face in the Sky" (1933) and "Chance at Heaven" (1933). She also appeared in "Doctor Bull" (1933) and the Henrietta Crosman drama "Pilgrimage" (1933). Nixon more recently acted in "The Dragnet" (1936). Nixon was married to Ben Lyon. Nixon passed away in February 1983 at the age of 79.