Maria Marlow
Guest Appearances
ONCE UPON A TIME · S3, E16It's Not Easy Being Green
With Rumplestiltskin as her slave, Zelena challenges Regina to a fight to the death and shocks the Evil Queen with the reveal of their familial connection, and the town lays Neal to rest. Meanwhile, back in the past in the land of Oz, a jealous Zelena asks the Wizard to send her to Fairy Tale Land after discovering that she has a sister, Regina, and that Rumplestiltskin is training her to become a powerful force to be reckoned with.
A Daily Planet gossip columnist uses her special power to overhear a conversation between Lana and Chloe, and publishes the conversation... where Lana admits having doubts about marrying Lex. While Chloe investigates the reporter, Lois asks Clark to help her investigate the mysterious Green Arrow bandit when she suspects he may be Oliver Queen in disguise.
FRINGE · S5, E9Black Blotter
In an attempt to recall his plan to defeat the Observers, Walter takes an LSD trip down memory lane in search of answers. Meanwhile, Peter and Olivia trace a mysterious signal into the woods, where they come upon a grisly scene.
COLONY · S3, E4Hospitium
Will and Katie fear they might be in danger when the Resistance camp is put in lockdown. A risky plan makes Broussard question Amy's intentions.
When a teenage girl (guest star ALI WEBB) is killed, the final selfie she took before the attack shows a ghostly figure in the background. Looking for something to keep them busy, Dean and Sam head to Washington to find the ghost. While the two interview the girl's mother, Betty (guest star MARIA MARLOW), they are surprised when she starts talking about cold spots and fritzing. When they ask her about bringing up paranormal signs, Betty replies that the "supernaturalists" who called earlier brought it up. Enter Harry Spangler (guest star TRAVIS WESTER) and Ed Zeddmore (guest star A.J. BUCKLEY), the famous supernaturalist Ghostfacers!