Julie Chen welcomes 14 All-Stars into the BB house, and six hopefuls are locked out. Shortly thereafter, the first HoH Competition takes place, and nominations soon follow. Alliances form quickly, but are they premature? Time will tell.
The other All-Stars see the BB 6 players as a threat, and several conspire to break their “Sea-Sick” (Season Six) alliance. Nominees Danielle and Alison try their best in the Power of Veto Competition, which involves diving, but not the kind of diving you might think.
With lieutenants Janelle and Howie at his back, Kaysar feels secure in the HoH Room as he considers his nomination options. A very messy Food Competition leaves half the household eating well while the other gets slop.
Nominees Danielle and Alison both lobby hard to swing the votes, but it’s not enough for Ali, who gets evicted. In the HoH Competition, the HouseGuests must read Alison’s mind, and Kaysar emerges victorious as the new HoH.
Kaysar's nominees, Diane and Nakomis, hope that the PoV will save one of them. Chilltown allies Will and Boogie do their best to sway those not in the Season 6 alliance. Will the PoV winner save one of the women on the block?