Marc McClure
Though acting is Marc McClure's profession, he's best known to Superman fans as a photographer. He played Jimmy Olsen, the Daily Planet's shutter-bug, in the first "Superman" movie, and returned to Metropolis for each of its sequels; he is distinguished among Christopher Reeves's costars as the only holdover to appear in the spinoff "Supergirl." In the meantime, he joined then-up-and-coming director Robert Zemeckis's stock company, appearing in Zemeckis's first feature, "I Wanna Hold Your Hand," a nostalgic look back to the biggest rock craze of the 1960s. They worked together again in the slimy-salesman comedy "Used Cars" and struck gold with "Back to the Future"; McClure played Michael J. Fox's brother. Thanks to alterations in the space-time continuum, McClure's Dave shifted from underachiever to yuppie--a destiny in flux throughout the series. The actor was no stranger to its 1950s milieu: one of his early roles was on "Happy Days," and he played in a segment of "Amazon Women on the Moon," a comedic homage to the B movies of that era. As a fan favorite, McClure remained loyal to his superhero even after the first "Superman" franchise went the way of the doomed planet Krypton, making cameos in Bryan Singer's reboot, "Superman Returns," and on the TV-series prequel, "Smallville." And, as a consummate time traveler, McClure also repeated the past in a remake of the teen comedy "Freaky Friday"; he'd been present in the original switcheroo, along with a 14-year-old Jodie Foster.