Jane finds herself in competition with the 'Supreme Being of the Universe.' Meanwhile, Jeff is sent into a spiral of tension when his attractive colleague, Wilma, asks him out for a drink.
Jeff's new boss Julia questions whether it is right and proper to kiss someone junior at work. When she leads him blindfolded into a conference room, Jeff is sure that at last his luck has changed.
Wilma offers Jeff 'no-strings' sex - after all, she only wants to 'borrow' him from his girlfriend, Julia. Jeff paints himself into a terrifyingly extreme conversational corner, until he blurts out that the reason he can't have sex with Wilma is that his girlfriend is dead.
Susan and Steve each find themselves tempted by other people. Steve guiltily swaps phone numbers with an attractive woman in a bar.
A quiet night in with Julia leads Jeff to a nudity hoovering problem. Meanwhile, Steve finds a freckle on his bottom and reaches for the 'Book of Death' for a diagnosis.