A motorcyclist robbing people turns out to be Jon's old football teammate.
Rob agrees to run for office but realizes he'd prefer to vote for his brainy opponent. Wally Cox guest-stars.
After Ann invites her parents to see her Broadway debut, she learns that her lines have been cut considerably. Ann asks her father to change his reservations to the following night so he can see her uncut role. She's unaware that her part was cut to accommodate a surprise theater party planned by her father.
Horses are being stolen around Wichita pushing the ranchers to want a necktie party. Their sights are set on a group of gypsies on Gus Cassen's property. Gus is an old friend of Earp who denies guilt but evidence forces his arrest for it.
Ben Thompson sneaks back into Dodge City bringing trouble and two women who were both promised marriage by him. Earp becomes entangled in the problem when he is caught with both women fighting in his hotel room while Doc finds a solution.