At therapy, Tony likens himself to the 'sad clown,' but Melfi doesn't buy into his melancholy portrait. Meanwhile, Carmela drags A.J. with her to Furio's house to offer decorating tips and companionship; Paulie puts the finishing touches on some free artwork; and Christopher finds himself at a crossroads.
After an aggressive team of reporters lowers the boom on Uncle Junior, his lawyers try a new strategy. Ralph has some fun at the expense of Paulie and his mother, but soon winds up with his own family problems. Meanwhile, Tony again finds refuge at the stables.
Paulie takes pains to integrate his mother Nucci into the social world at Green Grove. Meanwhile, Furio faces up to his inner feelings during a trip to Italy to see his ailing father; Ralph introduces Tony to his new 'goomar,' Valentina; and Carmela finds a new source of investment income.
In the Season Five premiere, a flood of organized crime parolees changes the landscape of the Soprano/Lupertazzi alliance. Meanwhile, Janice carries on the family's Sunday dinner tradition; Carmela and A.J. commune with local wildlife; Christopher balks at footing the bill on 'goomar night'; and Tony tries to introduce Dr. Melfi to his 'other' self.
With the feds pulling a new trump card, Adriana ponders her options. Tony B. unloads some heavy baggage on Tony, and vice-versa; Johnny Sack makes Tony an offer he can refuse; and Tony offers Carmela a deal to make her real-estate dreams come true.