Lennart Hjulström
Throughout his entertainment career as an accomplished actor, Lennart Hjulstrom graced the silver screen many times. Hjulstrom's early acting career consisted of roles in various films, such as "Moa" (1986), the Anton Glanzelius foreign "My Life As A Dog" (1987) and "Nionde kompaniet" (1987). His passion for acting continued to his roles in projects like "Tacknamn Coq Rouge" (1989), "The Best Intentions" (1992) and the drama "The Ox" (1992) with Stellan Skarsgård. Film continued to be his passion as he played roles in "Noll tolerans" (1999) with Marie Richardson, the action picture "Livvakterna" (2001) with Samuel Fröler and the dramatic adaptation "Evil" (2006) with Andreas Wilson. Most recently, Hjulstrom acted in the Mikael Persbrandt crime picture "Hamilton 2: Men Inte Om Det Gäller Din Dotter" (2012).