Laurence Fox
Laurence Fox was an actor who had a successful Hollywood career. Laurence Fox's career began by acting in comedies like "Gosford Park" (2001) with Michael Gambon and "Al Sur de Granada" (2003) with Matthew Goode and Guillermo Toledo. He worked in series television while getting his start in acting, including a part on "Foyle's War" (PBS, 2002). His work around this time also included a part on the TV movie "Mystery!: Inspector Lewis" (PBS, 2005-06). He also appeared in the TV special "The Sittaford Mystery" (PBS, 2005-06). He also landed roles in the miniseries "Island at War" (2003-04) and "Love From Colditz" (2004-05). Laurence Fox focused on film in more recent years, appearing in the dramatic biopic "Becoming Jane" (2007) with Anne Hathaway and "Elizabeth: The Golden Age" (2007). He also was featured in the TV movie "A Room With a View" (PBS, 2007-08). Laurence Fox most recently acted in the biopic drama "W.E." (2011) with Abbie Cornish. Laurence Fox was married to Billie Piper.