Michael meets his friend Jimmy at the golf club and is impressed with how much hair he's grown with the help of some "miracle" pills called "Come Hair Now". As he starts to take them in overdose, weird stripes of hair rise from his chronically bald head. He's jealous of his hair and won't let anyone touch it. He also starts to get paranoiac that Jay is trying to kill him after they make a life insurance, but turns out it was just one of the side effects of the pill. Meanwhile, Kady becomes very jealous of Claire when she volunteers to be on the big sister program.
Nikki's chances at a scholarship are jeopardized when the scholarship adviser shows up during a Nikki's party with the girls.
When the station does a profile on Robert's home life, he insists that both his fiancée, Tia, and his ex-wife, Neesee, be included. But Neesee is edited out of the version that airs.
When Neesee nurses ailing Robert and Bobby, Robert gets to see a more caring and nurturing side of his ex-wife, which brings back all of the old feelings he had when he first fell in love with her.
Robert realizes he is having a "like father, like son" effect on Bobby and must break out of his own depressed mood over Tia to teach his son a few things about women.