A Vietnam vet brings his Eurasian daughter into his American home, but his son doesn't take to having a new sister. Jonathan has a plan to bring harmony to this divided home.
Ponch and Jon encounter the same speeding drunk driver on several occassions and must deal with a group of skateboarding kids who cannot stay out of trouble.
A truck driver believes the company he works for is causing the bizarre accidents he's been having. Ponch begins eating health food to get the attention of a health food store owner. Ponch and Jon help a farmer whose crops are being sabotaged.
Paul Billingham, known to his radio fans as Ralph Alfalfa "The Happy Farmer," comes to Bob because of his stuttering problem. On radio, he practiced several unseen rhythmic devices to mask his problem, but a new television opportunity threatens to expose his problem with disastrous results.
Tom's license expires and the family chauffeurs him.