Kari Byron
Kari Byron worked on a variety of projects during her entertainment career. In 2005, she hosted the Australian documentary series "Beyond Tomorrow." She appeared in a number of television specials, including "MythBusters: Christmas Special" (2004-05), "Mythbusters: Jaws Special" (Discovery Channel, 2004-05) and "MythBusters: Holiday Special" (Discovery Channel, 2006-07). Byron worked in television around the start of her acting career with a role on "Mythbusters" (Discovery Channel, 2003-2016). In the early 2000s and the 2010s, Byron devoted her time to various credits, such as "Mythbusters: Shark Week Special 2" (Discovery Channel, 2007-08), "Mythbusters: Jawsome Shark Special" (Discovery Channel, 2011-12) and "Sharkzilla" (Discovery Channel, 2011-12). She also worked on "Mythbusters: Breaking Bad Special" (Discovery Channel, 2012-13). Byron continued to exercise her talent in the 2010s, taking on a mix of projects like "Mythbusters: Walking Dead Special" (Discovery Channel, 2013-14), "Punkin Chunkin" (Discovery Channel, 2014-15) and "Thrill Factor" (Travel Channel, 2015). Most recently, Byron worked on "White Rabbit Project" (2016-).