Kang-sheng Lee
Lee Kang-sheng was an actor who had a successful Hollywood career. Kang-sheng began his acting career appearing in various films, such as "Lumeng Huachun" (1996), "Vive L'Amour" (1996) and "Fang Lang" (1998). He also appeared in "Qian Yan Wan Yu" (1999) and "The Hole" (1999) with Yang Kuei-mei. His film career continued throughout the early 2000s in productions like "The River" (2001), "What Time Is It There?" (2002) and "Goodbye, Dragon Inn" (2004). He also appeared in "Help Me Eros" (2007). Film continued to be his passion as he played roles in "I Don't Want to Sleep Alone" (2007), "Rebels of the Neon God" (2007) with Chen Chao-jung and the dramedy "The Wayward Cloud" (2007) with Lu Yi-ching. He also appeared in "Face" (2009) and "Jiaoyou" (2014). Most recently, Kang-sheng acted in "Xi You" (2014).