Danny and Jackie investigate the suspicious death of a high-rolling investor who sustained injuries in a fight, yet his hands are unmarked by trauma.
Father Mulcahy agrees to offer his running abilities in a race that pits the 4077th against the 8063rd.
An Army lieutenant pushes his men too hard. Someone stabs him in the back, and he dies. The Army charges one of the soldiers in his company, Ben defends him, and Charlene and Tyler help. During a preliminary hearing the accused disappears.
A local gang is pressuring a rising young boxer to throw a fight. Luckily, Mark and Jonathan are working in his corner, and Jonathan enlists the aid of some old-time actors to set things straight.
Luke runs into an old friend, Barney, the only honest three-card monte player. The Seavers invite him to Luke's birthday party, where Luke realizes his old pal is only pretending to be honest.