Rebecca tags along with Noah when he interviews a band's parrot, and while Michael wonders if 'nice tie' is sincere or sarcastic, Wilder causes havoc in choosing a mentor.
Michael is snagged from the magazine to work for Entertainment Wow, Rebecca's goofy dancing is posted on GleeTube and Noah inadvertently steals Wilder's idea for a magazine article.
Rebecca and Amanda believe Noah's song is about them, Wilder shows off his dancing styles and Michael discovers that school dances have better gossip than a star-filled gala.
Michael and Rebecca try out for the cheerleading team, Wilder and Noah share a locker with disastrous results and Amanda wears orthopedic shoes.
After injuring Wilder on a skateboard, Rebecca doesn't seem to be a very good nurse. Amanda botches Noah's interview with a singer and Michael tries to get the perfect paparazzi picture.