Jonathan Nossiter

Jonathan Nossiter

Author and performer Quentin Crisp ended up on the cutting-room floor for "Fatal Attraction," but Nossiter made him the centerpiece of his first directorial effort, the documentary "Resident Alien: Quentin Crisp in America" (1990). Well received but hardly a moneymaker, the movie plugged into the theme of exile, something the well-traveled Nossiter knew plenty about and would return to in "Sunday." Along with writer James Lasdun, Nossiter fashioned a Lasdun story into his debut feature, changing the location from London to Queens, New York, which had always appealed to his international mongrel sense as a place that is everywhere and nowhere at the same time. Though the success of "Sunday" may cause Nossiter to give up his career as sommelier, nothing could undermine his abiding love of wine.


