Jim Connell
Guest Appearances
THE ANDY GRIFFITH SHOW · S6, E25A Baby in the House
Aunt Bee agrees to a week of babysitting for her niece and finds the adorable infant adores everyone but her.
THAT GIRL · S2, E7The Philadelphia Story
Unable to tolerate life without Ann, Donald goes to Philadelphia to write a review of Ann's play.
THE PARTRIDGE FAMILY · S3, E11Whatever Happened to Keith Partridge?
After a show, the Partridge Family is approached by a talent scout who informs them that Keith would be perfect for a part in a new movie; he wants Keith to take a screen test. Reuben and Shirley coach Keith and the family all act out the characters in the script to help him learn his lines. He will play a baby-faced gangster. A week later, the whole family goes off to Hollywood for the test. A very nervous Keith manages the part well and is notified a few days later that he got the part. Keith is being treated like a great Hollywood star by everyone in town. The family has planned a surprise party for him the night before he leaves to make the movie. That afternoon Reuben tells Keith that World Pictures has decided against starring an "unknown," so he has lost the part. When Keith finally brings himself to tell Shirley the news, he is unknowingly walking into the surprise party. When everyone cries for a speech, Keith explains what has happened. The party is a good one despite the bad news and afterwards the family presents Keith with the "Partridge Award" for the best performance by an actor in an embarrassing situation.
THAT GIRL · S4, E20Stocks and the Single Girl
Ann gets a card from a stockbroker and invests in the list of items on the back, even though it is his shopping list.
THE PARTRIDGE FAMILY · S1, E24A Partridge By Any Other Name
Preparing for a Canadian tour the Family must have their birth certificates. The attic produces certificates for all except Danny, his is not to be found. When introduced to the Family, booking agent Marty Burns jokingly refuses to believe Danny is a Partridge, "not with that hair and those ears," and Danny is convinced he is an adopted child. Shirley tries hard to talk him out of his belief, but Reuben and the others, in trying to kid Danny about his origin, only confirm his opinion he is not a Partridge. At the hospital where all the others were born Danny finds there is no record of his birth. Heartbroken, he refuses to believe Shirley's story that he was born unexpectedly while the family was on a picnic and thus missed the "regular" hospital. On a return visit to the hospital Danny learns the name of the one male child born there on his birthday, a son to a Mr. & Mrs. Young. The phone book provides the names of all the M. Youngs in the city and Danny takes off to find his parents. There ensues a series of very strange confrontations between Danny and his "father." One, Mike Young, a construction worker and single, tells Danny he would have had to be born in Korea. Then Danny meets a priest; an old man wielding an ear trumpet; a widow who produces a ten year old M. Young, and catches with another in the cemetery. Meanwhile, Shirley and Reuben have contacted the hospital and learned what Danny was doing. They find him at the last address on his list and watch while he rings the doorbell, which is answered by a handsome young black man. Later, a happy Danny admits he has made two mistakes; one, thinking he was adopted and two, not realizing that to be adopted by the Partridge Family would be the greatest compliment anyone could ever be paid.