Jennifer Burns

Jennifer Burns, known for her action packed roles, was an accomplished actress who built up a solid reputation throughout her film career. Burns had an early acting career in film, appearing in such titles as "Dino Knights: Josh Kirby...Time Warrior!" (1995) and "Eggs From 70 Million B.C.: Josh Kirby...Time Warrior!" (1995). She also appeared in the TV movie "Hellfire" (Showtime, 1995-96). She worked in television in her early acting career as well, including a part on "Burke's Law" (CBS, 1993-95). She continued to work steadily in film throughout the nineties, appearing in "The Human Pets: Josh Kirby...Time Warrior!" (1995) and "Trapped on Toyworld: Josh Kirby...Time Warrior!" (1995). She also worked in television around this time, including a part on "Space: Above and Beyond" (Fox, 1995-96). Burns had a number of different projects under her belt in the early 2000s, including "Isaac Asimov's Nightfall" (2000), "Singing" with Jim Carpenter (2000) and "Stroke" (2000). Her credits also expanded to "Atlantis: the Lost Empire" with Jim Cummings (2001). Most recently, Burns worked on the crime picture "Scheme C6" (2001) with Cory Duval.

