Sevak flies into a violent rage after Alex runs his mouth yet again. Two fighters prepare for a showdown in the Octagon, but one of them must first overcome pre-fight jitters.
An ill-advised prank makes Alex Caceres an outcast on his own team. Former UFC champion Chuck Liddell pays a visit to Team Koscheck. And two more lightweights face off in the Octagon.
Following the team's first win Koscheck talks smack to Michael Johnson, but then gets a dose of the same medicine from Cody McKenzie. And the fates of four fighters are determined in two lightweight matchups.
Team Koscheck pulls a prank on unpopular teammate Nam Phan Then in the last Semifinal, Phan takes on GSP first pick Michael Johnson to determine who will face Jonathan Brookins for the UFC contract.
Who’s the toughest guy in the house? The Ultimate Fighter finds out as a new roster of mixed marital arts fighters’ battle it out for a six-figure UFC contract.