Host Guy Fieri kicks off the biggest and most intense competition in the culinary world. Top-scoring chefs from last year are back, and a handful of newcomers with the potential to win it all are stepping into the arena for the first time.
Tournament of Champions VI is almost here, and Guy Fieri is back with the qualifier rounds. Over the course of eight battles, 16 chefs will be chosen at random to go head-to-head to earn one of the remaining spots in the TOC VI main bracket.
Twelve hopeful chefs remain as the Tournament of Champions qualifier rounds continue with two more one-on-one battles. The chef who can win over a panel of TOC champs in a blind taste test will get the opportunity to compete in the main tournament.
Eight chefs remain, and the competitors who win their intense head-to-head battle by successfully dealing with the randomizer and satisfying the taste buds of a panel of TOC champs will earn a spot in Tournament of Champions VI.
Six amazing chefs have already earned their spots in the main tournament. In the final qualifier event, the remaining four chefs battle head-to-head for the last two spots in the Tournament of Champions VI bracket.