Holly Taylor
Actress and dancer Holly Taylor first surprised her parents-and two paramedics--by being born in an ambulance. The Canadian-born, New-Jersey-bred Taylor further surprised her family at the tender age of 4, when she announced that one day soon, she'd be dancing on Broadway. Her prophecy proved correct and by the age of 11, after surprise success at an open call audition, Taylor was dancing on a midtown stage 8 times a week in the Broadway production of "Billy Elliot." Despite her dedication to dance, Taylor was also a highly successful student, invited to join a summer program at the Johns Hopkins University for Gifted & Talented Children. Taylor appeared in "Billy Elliot" in the role of stuck-up dancer Sharon Percy for 2 years before leaving the stage to pursue a career on television and in film. After starring in a couple of short films, Taylor was cast on the acclaimed series "The Americans" (2013) as Paige Jennings, the daughter of two KGB spies (Keri Russell and Matthew Rhys) infiltrating the U.S. government, alongside Keidrich Sellati as her younger brother.