Herbert Knaup
Herbert Knaup has been a vital member of the acting community in his homeland of Germany, not just for his performances or awards, but perhaps most importantly for his role in founding the German version of the Screen Actors Guild (BFFS). With over 100 roles on his acting resume (almost exclusively in Germany), spanning motion pictures, TV movies, and TV series, he is a well respected and recognizable figure in German society. In the United States, he may be identified for his portrayal of Albert Speer in the TNT original "Nuremberg," starring Alec Baldwin, which chronicles the Nuremberg Trials that followed World War II. Some American film buffs may also know him as the title character's father in 1998's widely celebrated "Run Lola Run," which toys with the idea of having a do-over in a life-or-death situation. Knaup had a long-term relationship with fellow German thespian Natalia Wörner until 2001, and married Christiane Knaup in 2006. He formed the progressive rock and pop band Neffen und Knaup (literally, "nephews and Knaup") with his real-life nephews, and released an eponymous album in 2007.